July 9, 2012

An End to Housekeeping?, AND a Call for Input

The new (old) design for the blog was unveiled to the world this morning.  (Ta, da?)  As some of you may have guessed, the picture in the background is the view out the window of a plane.  The visual joke being somewhere between the gremlin episode of The Twilight Zone, and the notion of my self-important rantings hanging-out limply, among the clouds, only visible for brief periods to the jet-set.

I think I have the new formatting sorted with better usability for you, dear reader.  The ad widget went a little haywire for a bit, but I think I have that sorted.  Please leave a comment to let me know how the new format is working for you and if you see anything weird or broken.

Update 1
In a humorous postscript to this, we surfed over to our actual blog pages - we normally just see the text editor panel, not the actual site - and know what we saw all over the ad panels?  Ads for Mitt Romney's re-election campaign.  Through the vagaries of the Ad Sense auction system, their bots must have clued into some keywords in our posts and placed ad units on our site.  They clearly didn't read our blog first.  The Romney ads are gone now.  They must have read our blog in the interim.  Too bad.  We would have likely made more revenue with Republican ads. - ed.

Update 2
Ha! They're back.  Please, please, please go click on one of Romney's campaign ads.  We would love it if there was a campaign staffer sitting in some cramped little cubicle somewhere pouring over the ad placement stats seeing a big spike in traffic sent from our little blog.  What an unpleasant shock it will be when he punches distastefulinelegance.blogspot.com into the address bar in IE6 (yes, that is what we imagine the Romney campaign uses) and pulls us up. - ed.

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